Our idea becomes my new life's work. Everything else is child's play. I inch my fingers through the web but it just gets tangled up and stuck. The spider is approaching to feed. Just another random assortment of Nat's thought, brought live from Nebraska.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

My Boyfriend Ian, My Brother Dominic, and A Rant About West Point

Ian helped me fix blogger, so you can thank him if you feel so inspired for the wide variety of colors this blog now has, again.

I was talking to my boyfriend tonight and a profound statement stood out in my mind, and I respected him so much more than before. He admitted something that most people would be ashamed of, and he stated it as if it was like saying his hair was brown. I wanted to be like him, and I really wish I could explain how powerful his one statement was.

I am worried about Ian's health, I want that boy to live for a long time, he is my best-friend, my lover, and my pillar of strength. I only hope that I am giving him the same.

Dominic has a great poem up, I mean, truly awesome. When I read it I seriously said aloud, "WOW." Read it on his blog HERE if you want to, because it is fantastic and I am in awe of his talent. I hope to have him sign a copy of one of his works for me someday and be able to tell my friends, "Yeah, that's my brother!"

Finally, Matthew made me really mad tonight. I was talking to him about the sweetest thing Ian did for me which was hide a poem amongst my school papers in my notebook so that I would come upon it later, when Matt responded with "I wrote you a poem once. But you lost it." A little background on the poem Matt for me, I carried it with me everyday until my wallet was stolen and then return lacking one poem and 150 dollars. Believe you me, I really LOST IT when he said that. I hate how he tried to make me feel bad! How can he be so self-centered??? Also, I tried to tell him I was worried about Ian, and again he changed the subject to himself! I hate how self-centered he is! However, that is ok, because he is just self-centered, and some of my other friends are as well, and even I am guilty of that sin sometimes. I will just not expect more out of that friendship than Matthew caring about Matthew.

Well, I would love to leave you on a positive note, so I must say that I am completely and utterly in love. I want to make Ian feel loved not so that others know I am doing it, not so that he is grateful in some way or feels the need to show me how much he loves me back, but just because I want him to wake up every morning and feel my heart crying out to, yearning for his smile and his laugh. When Ian is with me, he will smile, and all the bad experiences of his past will fade like a flash, and both him and I exist, if only for a moment, in complete childlike innocence.


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