Our idea becomes my new life's work. Everything else is child's play. I inch my fingers through the web but it just gets tangled up and stuck. The spider is approaching to feed. Just another random assortment of Nat's thought, brought live from Nebraska.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Mr. Mom

I desired to be the stay at home parent when I was older because I wanted to be able to rely on someone else to support the family financially. In many ways, I did not want the responsibility of bringing home the bacon singularly because it would have been nice to have been able to rely on someone else to do that instead.

I guess a part of me just wants to go back to being a kid again. 5 years old, no cares in the world except trying not to upset my older brother Alex. Never again will that be an option.

I feel my Dad's eyes on the back of my head as I study, awaiting my arrival at what will eventually be our office. I know that I will have to come home from work and regain my patience in order be there for my kids, the same way my father probably did everyday to face the family. I often wonder how my father did it, since I cannot remember him having an escape from his duties. Even when on vacation, there is a patient of my Dad's, running up to say hi to him. While he enjoys the recognition, I am sure that he wishes he could just step away from it as well.

I worry that I am only doing it for the money now. As Geneva Luders said, "Money is great because it provides opportunity." Perhaps I am just more interested in the opportunities that I may one day gain for my family, than the opportunities I am sacrificing for myself.

Never will I be free to live life for the moment. How can it be that society has made me already look forward to the lazy days of retirement? I am 19, and already I want to be free from my future responsibilities.

I know that I will most likely be married to a Mr. Mom, and this has many negative and positive qualities about it. I just do not know why I am so motivated to get somewhere I am not sure I ever wanted to be, Carpul tunnel syndrome, highest suicide rate, a practically cubicle atmosphere working on something the size of an apple, why the fuck does that appeal to anyone?

I just want to be free of this cross, yet I know that I have been given to those around me to serve. More and more I feel that I am not my own, but God's servant, something I am not even sure Ian believes me on. I fear that he does not understand the need I feel inside of me to make others happy.

I am just struggling right now, and the most important thing to me above all, is not repeating Christmas, and not pulling Ian back into the pit. I must climb out myself this time, and stay out.


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