Our idea becomes my new life's work. Everything else is child's play. I inch my fingers through the web but it just gets tangled up and stuck. The spider is approaching to feed. Just another random assortment of Nat's thought, brought live from Nebraska.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Cut off.

Ok. . .so Ian stopped talking to me. I guess I don't understand at all because the last time we spoke it seemed like we were going to be not best-friends, but at least friends.

He had said previously that he wants to hang out, but he is screening all my calls/won't return my messages and now has removed me as a friend on myspace and facebook.

I don't know if he is worried that I am trying to get him back, because I'm not. In fact, if he asked me right now to get back with him, even though I love him, I wouldn't do it.

I don't know if is just so hurt that talking to me makes it worse. I don't know if I said something to upset him the point of never wanting to speak to me again. . .

But what I really don't know is why he didn't tell me. If he asked for space I would have given it to him this weekend, but he made it seem like he still did want to hang out.

::sigh:: Just another thing to add to my list of stress right now because now I feel bad about wanting to go see Linda and Ian's Dad tomorrow because it is Easter and I do not want to upset Ian by making him see me, but I don't have a choice because he won't even call me and let me know how to avoid that situation.

I am trying to be a good friend despite the fact that he doesn't want me as a friend. . .What do I do now?

He promised to go see V for Vendetta, and now he's not coming. He told me he'd tell me if he wasn't going on the pilgrimage, and he didn't. I guess I just don't understand why when he doesn't trust me he would respond with lies. It doesn't make sense. . .and it is so unlike Ian.

He has changed so much, I guess I don't know him at all anymore and it doesn't help that he will not talk to me. I just hope that this summer he will be ok enough to hang out with our circles of friends and won't let my existance obliterate his social life.

I just wanted to try and rebuild the friendship, we had been through shit together, and we still are going through shit together, apart.

I guess I'll just go to Ian's house tomorrow and hope he isn't there when I am so that he won't have to see me. There's nothing more I can do.


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