Our idea becomes my new life's work. Everything else is child's play. I inch my fingers through the web but it just gets tangled up and stuck. The spider is approaching to feed. Just another random assortment of Nat's thought, brought live from Nebraska.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

God Bless Shew. . .

I always thought I would be too fat to be carried across the threshold by my husband. Now I wonder if I will even marry someone who can walk, or has arms. No longer do I have some set perception of what my future husband will look like or be capable of doing, because to me, love is all that matters. If he could not see, I would strive to be his eyes, if he could not talk, I would be our single voice, if he could not. . . IT WOULD NOT MATTER. Think of what he could! I don't care if my life is never what I was told it should be when I was a little girl, because I could care less. I just want to love and be loved and build a home full of it.

I always figured that I would be the lucky one, and they would just be settling for less if they got involved with me, but now I'd like to hope that he would feel the same about me.

My roommate cheated on her boyfriend last night, and her reason was simply, "I still love Derrick, and if he breaks up with me, oh well. Because even though I love him with my whole heart and it would be a tragedy, our lives would be so much simpler." simpler. I could not imagine leaving another just because it is easier than fighting for love. I will always fight for love.

When we stop fighting for love, we have already lost the war against hatred and sin.

I love Ian. I have been worried about him a lot this week.

I have also realized that there is a very fine line between incredibly romantic and outright creepy. I have been walking that line this week, and I feel badly for Ian because I have stepped over it just a bit.

I haven't talked to Matt since Tuesday, and I realized how much I miss his voice. I just want to talk to him about the Goonies or something. So I guess I will call him today.

Anyway, my final epiphany for this week is that I have started saying "God Bless Shew" instead of "You" and have been doing so since Junior year. Which leads me to my next point,

I want to be Jewish.

Have a good day everyone.


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