Our idea becomes my new life's work. Everything else is child's play. I inch my fingers through the web but it just gets tangled up and stuck. The spider is approaching to feed. Just another random assortment of Nat's thought, brought live from Nebraska.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My Biological Excuse For Never Falling In Love Again

Ok, a dead lady bug, Mark, Matt, Foy, Priya, Robyn, and a cigarette helped me come up with this theory, but none of them know it, less they read this. So take it with a grain of salt.

I haven't had much time to blog this week- but here is me procrastinating on my studying for finals. (Incidentally, this was first written during a biology review as he explained axons and the kidney.) So without further ado- The No Love Theory (abridged)

Romantic Love- Does it even exist? I understand the concept of loving other people and giving ourselves to them as friends and family. I have felt all of this. However, what evidence do we have for 'romantic' love? What is this so called attraction to one person out of the billions that exist? Let us also be honest for a moment, there are many scientific and legitimate reasons for explanations for or actions associated with this so-called 'love.' At the simplest level, we want our genes to be passed on. When we care for others we are assisting our species to survive, not truly caring for them.

Pair bonding is something that originally existed to allow our species to do well. One male only has to provide for one female and his offspring, aka his genes. The male workforce began because, frankly, women of our species are highly vulnerable when they are pregnant. They are awkward and pretty incapable of protecting both herself and the unborn child from danger. She cannot be out hunting a mammoth while as he can be.

Hormones and endorphines attract us to others, especially on a carnal level. Kisses, hugs, nuzzling, and 'making love' are simply ways our species increases that bond between mates so as to show to other potential mates that one is 'off the market' so to speak. We mark our territory in hickeys and sex.

Ah, yes, I almost forgot! Birth Control. As overpopulation begins to reach a life threatening level on this planet, is it any surprise that our intellectual species came up with a solution to that? No, we did not evolve to this, but we created it all the same.

So there you go- Love does not exist.

Go ahead, applause, give me a prize, a trophy, etc. It was all a big genetic scam that we fed into like Santa Claus so that we could sleep at night. I mean, we needed SOMETHING to passive our time. Also, what would the fine arts be without 'love?'


Ok, there is a snag. It is a major rift in the theory. Not to say that there isn't more than one, but this one is so large that it makes me almost believe in love again. Almost.

Well what is it? Ok, I'm about to step outside my PC limits for a moment. Don't get offended too quickly.

In one word- Homosexuality. Honestly, what benefit do humans receive from being involved in a life mating with one of the same gender? Why are we attracted to this? What could possibly be the reason beyond love?

Let us readdress my biological reasoning:
Could it be sexual gratification? Perhaps, but why would instincts drive us to homo-gender physical relations ? There is not a good biological reason. Instinctively, we have a sexual need so that our species is encouraged to reproduce and pass on our genes. Obviously no child can be created naturally through a relationship like this, so what purpose is there.

This leads into the possibility of natural birth control. Is is possible? Obviously no child is created, but our habitat is not so greatly crowded where a mutation in our genetics would cause a higher success rate to occur for our species overall. Also, homosexuality has been with us since the dawn of mankind, so what purpose does it serve. Not possibly birth control. In all truth, cannibalism would be more beneficial to our overpopulation problem then homosexuality is. So there is not really a good biological reason for it, despite it being a biological effect of our species.

Yet these individuals nurture and care for each other, clearly not helping the overpopulation by assisting in more people surviving, yet not passing on genes, and it abandons the commonly obtained evolutionary theories of roles associated with pregnancy difficulties because there is not a child. The same could be said of any heterosexual couple that does not reproduce either.

It is interesting in our world that the only real evidence of love and true pair bonding are often the most ridiculed. Hatred is spewed on homosexuals, yet they are a precious sign of love!

While I do not know if I believe that I personally am capable of 'romantic' love anymore-
and after my life I am not sure if this love really exists at all or if it is simply something we comfort ourselves with. This also applies to faith in God. I will also admit that this may just be a 'broken heart' speaking out in a theory, but I would not know.

I mean, there is no scientific evidence to back God either, it is all faith. So do I believe in this love? I have faith in God, I have faith in the love of mankind, and I believe in the inherent goodness of others (if for nothing else but for the continuation of our species)...

To sum up:

I don't know if I will ever love again,
Or if I have ever truly felt this romance, this 'love' at all.


Blogger mizz said...

Of course love exists. When in love your brain is a release of Pheylethylamine, related dopamine, or to lesser extent methamphetamine. After that, another chemical, I foget what it's called, but it's a more long-term chemical, closely resembling the love a mother has for her child.

In sum, love exists, but it's only a chemical reaction in your brain cause by someoe who makes you feel special enough. You can fall in love with hundreds of thousands of people on this earth. I don't know if that makes you feel better, but that's not what made me lose my faith in love...

Also, our blogring seems to be a failure.

8:38 AM

Blogger C said...

Love exists. It's a physical and neurochemical connection between to people in the most sterile and scientific of terms. We grieve significantly more over the loss of a 'loved one' than a no-name who's one of the hundreds/thousands of people that die every day in this world. Why? Because we love them. It's been proven to be the most stress-producing event in a humans life, the loss of their significant other. The behavior (lessened-appetite, grief, social withdrawl) are all symptoms that are related to the psychological effects of love, or the removal of it, from our lives... So if we can see a lack of love, clearly love must exist. Right?

1:16 AM


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