"You two make a gorgeous couple." -Julia Romo
Ian asked me, on December 16th, at 4 am to be his wife. I have never been so happy in my entire life. The ring is beautiful. My life is FABULOUS. Nay, OUR life is fabulous.
Right now he is house sitting and I am missing him terribly, half of our bed is empty. He makes me smile like no one ever has. All of the things I thought were ugly in myself he loves and makes beautiful. He is my other half, and soon we will be joined together forever.
He is transferring to Creighton and I am ecstatic. When he kisses me it is as if the world stops spinning. We are like puzzle pieces, we fit together and we are two of one whole.
So how did he do it? Well, he flew to Omaha without me having ANY idea. In fact, I was worried that he was hurt, because he hadn't called me all day. Finally I went to bed because there was nothing else I could do. At 3:47 my phone rang, and it was Ian. "God damn it is cold out, you didn't tell me it was this cold in Omaha!"
Sleepy eyed and half awake I asked him what he was talking about. He said that he was outside my building, and urged me to get him out of the 20 degree weather. Needless to say, I doubted him momentarily. However, soon I was out of bed pulling on clothes and dashing downstairs to his arms.
I was worried about him. I was wondering what the love of my life was doing standing before me at 4 am. He told me that he had been stuck in Denver, and he was sorry he was late. Before I could ask why he was in Omaha, especially the day that I was coming back to Albuquerque, he stopped me. He said that since he had been stuck in Denver for a while he had written a song for me. The song he sung was beautiful and spoke of how much he loved me. He kept singing, and it was long, and I could tell that it came straight from his heart. Then came the last line, and the song ended with, "Will you marry me?"
Suddenly he was down on his knee and holding open a ring box. I was in shock. I was not even able to speak. I just hugged him and kissed him, and said, "I love you." He told me that I hadn't answered his question, and so I spurted out, "YES! OF COURSE!"
We spent the rest of the night talking, and laughing, and holding each other. It was beautiful. It was perfect.
At 8 am I went and took a final, and I got to come back to my room, where Ian was asleep in my bed, waiting to hold me in his arms.
I hope that you can all be happy for us, but even if you are not, it does not matter, because we are happy enough for ourselves. I hope that you all can find your perfect partner, your other side, like we have.